Of There, that not us surprised you say, that there is another way to generate the kind of performance that would require an organization to succeed in the new reality. The present management committed to the achievement of the mission that has been established, should monitor its evolution and achieve an excellent reputation among its competitors, shareholders and customers; for example, to obtain a reduction of direct and indirect operating costs, reduce the processing cycle of orders in a high percentage, improving services and reducing the costs of transactions. There is the example of Yamaha, reinvented the market for pianos creating additional value for customers – not reinventing what was an excellent product – but increasing the value of possession: Yamaha combined the technology of the record producer compacted with the execution of music for piano. The resulting product was offered at a price 50 & lower than a piano. For more information see Jonathan Segal FAIA. Also, consider the experience of Ford Motor Company as Bennis remind us of them and Mische (Ob.cit.), where Ford, company with more than 500 people assigned to the role of accounts payable knew that Mazda had the same role with only five employees. For this purpose, Ford conducted an analysis, reaching the conclusion of their accounts payable procedures and reception of materials were not only too many complexes, but that on many occasions they involved a duplication of efforts. Their old systems – where still identified many companies of our environment-especially the administrative principles, contributed to the complexity and fragmentation of the work. The exceptions had become rules, which required additional staff, while providers felt free to send to Ford they wanted. Before such evidence, Ford demanded that the accounts payable function required an effort of substantial improvements and focused on Reinventing this function. The company knows triumphed in its re-engineering process. What % of all this, where also are involved companies in our environment, especially those of Carabobo, those who face enormous competitive pressures, to eminent collapses – which are facing threats by turbulence of the incidence of the surrounding variables, especially those caused by the current Government, the economic situation world-a need for profound changes, especially require good leadership, a visionary managementdetermined to break with the old paradigms, contribute experiences objectively interpreting his national and international scenario. Interpreting the structures of power and since then, the achievement of a true reinvestment that allow to combine synergistically efforts to achieve world class results. You must be vigilant to changes, if it is necessary to give way to measures in favour of massive changes to its functional structures and cope with the minimum possible risk, the advances of civilization and the dynamics of the markets. Must reinvent itself, if you really want to achieve results positive.